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How Do Electrical and Magnetic Pulse Technologies Work to Treat Chronic Headaches?

As medical science advances, we get better and better at treating pain in new, highly effective ways. When we can’t alleviate back pain with conservative treatments, for example, doctors might recommend an option like a spinal cord stimulator. This sends low levels of electricity to interrupt the body’s pain-signaling processes.

The use cases for electrical and magnetic pulse technology don’t stop at your back. A growing body of research indicates that treatments that use these technologies can help people with chronic headaches find relief. 

Dr. Halina Snowball can help you explore your options and pinpoint which might be best for your specific type of headache. At Integrated Pain Solutions in Stamford, Connecticut, she helps people dealing with chronic headaches move toward fewer days with head pain. 

Dr. Snowball personalizes a treatment plan for you which might include everything from the latest technology to ancient modalities like acupuncture. If she recommends electrical or magnetic-based treatment, you’ll probably want to know how it works. Let’s take a look. 

The science behind electrical and magnetic pulses for pain treatment

Your body uses electrical signals to send information throughout your system. Your nerve endings pick up on these signals and, in some cases, register them as pain

Electrical and magnetic pulse technologies give you a way to interrupt that messaging. In doing so, these treatments stop your pain. This altering of your nerve activity is called neuromodulation

The FDA has cleared a range of magnetic and electric technology to apply neuromodulation for head pain, including:

All of this technology is relatively new, but some patients are already finding a significant measure of relief with it. Plus, the side effects of using these devices are usually minimal

Tailoring treatment to your headache

While some people get notable relief with technology based on electrical or magnetic pulses, others don’t notice a difference. Some people only see improvement when using these devices in tandem with medication or other treatments. 

Dr. Snowball works with you to explore your options and find what’s effective for your specific head pain. After you tell her about your symptoms and how frequently you experience headaches, she makes recommendations tailored to you. She can help you find the technology most likely to alleviate your discomfort.

In addition to treatments that use electrical and magnetic stimulation, Dr. Snowball might recommend:

If you’re living with head pain, you have a wide range of options you can explore to find relief. To get started, call our office at 203-293-0549 or request an appointment online today.

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